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November 5, 2023 Car Accidents, Personal Injury

I-70 Mountain Express Lane Fines Aim to Enforce Safe Driving

Colorado's I-70 peak period shoulder lanes (PPSL) are designed to ease congestion and enhance road safety during peak travel times. These lanes are typically open for use during specific times of the day when traffic is heaviest, such as rush hours. The lanes that run along the 13-mile corridor between Veterans Memorial Tunnel and...
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November 1, 2023 Car Accidents, Personal Injury

How Might the New Colorado Roundabout Law Affect Liability in Car Accident Claims?

A new Colorado roundabout law, HB-23-1014, requires smaller vehicles to yield to larger ones in roundabout right-of-way situations. The rule went into effect October 1, 2023. There are some details in the new procedure that raise questions about liability in the event of a car accident in a roundabout. The rule may also cause...
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October 23, 2023 Truck Accidents

Why you need a truck accident lawyer

Hire a competent truck accident lawyer after a truck accident involving you or a loved one. Many victims deal with pain, financial stress, and a whirlpool of legal complexities after an accident. The size and weight of a truck can cause severe injuries and complications in the recovery process. Insurance companies won’t help you,...
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October 17, 2023 Truck Accidents

Who Is Liable for a Truck Accident?

A truck accident can turn a routine drive into a calamity in the blink of an eye, leaving you with a wrecked vehicle, physical injuries, or worse. As the bills for your accident come in, you may ask, "Who is liable for a truck accident?" The answer determines who will pay for the associated...
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October 12, 2023 Car Accidents, Personal Injury

December Is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

December is a time for holiday cheer and family gatherings, but it also marks National Impaired Driving Prevention Month—a crucial campaign that addresses a significant societal issue. Impaired driving tragically cuts short thousands of lives every year and has severe consequences for countless other individuals, underscoring the need for collective action. This nationwide initiative...
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October 9, 2023 Truck Accidents

What to Do on Your First Offer From the Insurance Company After A Truck Accident

Insurance matters make a truck accident claim challenging and daunting. While the first offer from the insurance company may appear tempting, it is just a starting point. Its acceptance or rejection can significantly influence your financial recovery. Need help with a truck accident claim? Trust experienced Denver truck accident lawyers for expert guidance. Secure...
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